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BLOGS Benefits of Using Promotional Products in Your Business

Giving out free products could be one of the surest ways of advertising your bra... read more

Planet Positive Products For Christmas

Christmas in general is such an important time for brands in the UK, for some it is the only time they invest in advertising. With the ‘eco-ration’ range you can ensure you are offering your customers a modern and eco friendly product. A 3D shape but designed with the planet in mind to minimise material used. Each Eco-ration Plus product also comes with it’s own individual gift box. The standard and plus eco-ration ranges are available in two materials both of which ensure you are offering customers a green, eco friendly product available in either 100% recycled material or rHIPS.b - made from recycled polymers including factory waste products with a biodegradable additive, that speeds up the natural biodegradable process of plastic. The material has been tested to ISO 15985 and ASTM B5511 certification.To accompany the tree decorations, there are also Christmas themed drink stirrers - perfect for hot chocolates and Christmas cocktails. As well as their Winter-Safe Motoring range which includes ice scrapers and tyre gauges.

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